archived R/genpoisson-functions.R

# # PURPOSE: Function for Gen Poisson analysis
# #
# # AUTHORS: Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
# #
# # DATE:    July 2020
# #
# # VERSION: 3.6.3
# #--------- Generalized Poisson pdfs---------#
# dGpois = function(y,a,m){
#   k = m/(1+a*m)
#   return( k^y * (1+a*y)^(y-1) * exp(-k*(1+a*y)-lgamma(y+1)))
# }
# #--------- Generalized Poisson cdf for one m---------#
# pgpois1 = function(x,a,m){
#   M = max(x,0)
#   bb = dGpois(0:M,a,m)
#   cc = cumsum(bb)
#   g = rep(0,length(x))
#   g[x>=0] = cc[x+1]
#   return(g)
# }
# #--------- Generalized Poisson pdf for multiple m---------#
# pGpois = function(x,a,m){
#   if (length(m)>1){
#     r = mapply(pgpois1, x=x, a, m = m)
#   }else{
#     r = pgpois1(x, a, m)
#   }
#   return(r)
# }
# #--------- Generalized Poisson icdf for 1 m---------#
# qgpois1 <- function(p,a,m) {
#   check.list <- pGpois(0:100,a,m)
#   quantile.vec <- rep(-99,length(p))
#   for (i in 1:length(p)) {
#     x <- which(check.list>=p[i],arr.ind = T)[1]
#     quantile.vec[i] <- x-1
#   }
#   return(quantile.vec)
# }
# #--------- Generalized Poisson icdf for many m---------#
# qGpois = function(p,a,m){
#   if (length(m)>1){
#     r = mapply(qgpois1, p=p, a, m = m)
#   }else{
#     r = qgpois1(p,a,m)
#   }
#   return(r)
# }
# #--------- Generate Gen Poisson datas---------#
# rGpois = function(n, a,m){
#   u = runif(n)
#   x = qGpois(u,a, m)
#   return(x)
# }
# #---------simulateGen Poisson series---------#
# sim_genpois = function(n, ARMAmodel,a, m){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE       Simulate GenPois series with ARMA structure. See relation (1)
#   #               in
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   n           series length
#   #   ARMAmodel   list with ARMA parameters
#   #   r,p         Marginal Parameters
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   X           GenPois series
#   #
#   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date          April 2020
#   # Version       3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   z = arima.sim(model = list(ar=ARMAmodel[[1]], ma=ARMAmodel[[2]]), n = n); z = z/sd(z)
#   X = qGpois(pnorm(z),a,m)
#   return(X)
# }
# #---------Hermitte Coefficients for all k---------#
# HermCoefGenPois <- function(a,m, N, nHC, mycdf){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE    Compute all Hermite Coefficients. See relation (21) in
#   #  
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   a,m      Marginal parameters
#   #   maxCoef  number of coefficients to return. Default = 20
#   #   N        truncation of relation (21)
#   #   nHC      number of Hermitte coefficients
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   HC       All Hermite coeficients
#   #
#   # Authors    Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date       July 2020
#   # Version    3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   h = 1:nHC #check me
#   HC = rep(NA, length(h)) # storage
#   for(i in h) {
#     HC[i] <- HermCoefGenPois_k(a,m , k = i, N, mycdf)
#   }
#   return(HC)
# }
# #---------Hermitte Coefficients for one k---------#
# HermCoefGenPois_k <- function(a,m, k, N, mycdf){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE    Compute kth Hermite Coefficient. See relation (21) in
#   #  
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   r,p      Marginal parameters
#   #   k        index of Hermite coefficient
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   HC_k     kth hermite coeficient
#   #
#   # Authors    Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey
#   # Date       July 2020
#   # Version    3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # function for kth Hermite Polynomial
#   her <- function(x){
#     evalHermPolynomial(k-1, x)
#   }
#   # compute terms in the sum of relation (21) in
#   terms <- exp((-qnorm(mycdf(0:max(N), a,m))^2)/2) *
#     her(qnorm(mycdf(0:max(N), a,m)))
#   terms[is.nan(terms)]=0
#   # take the sum of all terms
#   HC_k <- sum(terms) / (sqrt(2*pi) *  factorial(k))
#   return(HC_k)
# }
# #----------Link coefficients with one dummy Regressor---------#
# LinkCoefGP_Reg = function(a,m, N, nHC, mycdf){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE    Compute the product  factorial(k)*g_{t1,k}*g_{t2,k} in relation (67) in
#   #   when the regressor variable is only
#   #            one dummy variable.
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   a
#   #   m        GP Marginal parameters
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   l        An MX3 matrix of link coefficients. M is the default truncatuon of relation
#   #            (67) and 3 is the number of different combinations of products
#   #            g_{t1,k}*g_{t2,k} (since for each t I will either have 1 or 0 for the
#   #            regressor variable).
#   #
#   # Authors    Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey,  Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date       July 2020
#   # Version    3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # compute Hermite coefficients from relation (21)
#   g1 = HermCoefGenPois(a, unique(m)[1], N[1], nHC, mycdf)
#   g2 = HermCoefGenPois(a, unique(m)[2], N[2], nHC, mycdf)
#   HC = cbind(g1, g2)
#   # Compute the products g1^2, g1*g2 and g2^2 of the HCs
#   HCprod = matrix(NA, nHC, 3)
#   for(i in 0:(length(unique(m))-1) ){
#     for(j in i: (length(unique(m))-1) ){
#       HCprod[,i+j+1] = HC[,i+1]*HC[,j+1]
#     }
#   }
#   return(HCprod)
# }
# #---------Covariance matrix with one dummy Regressor---------#
# CovarGenPois_Reg = function(n, a,m, AR, MA, N, nHC, mycdf){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE    Compute the covariance matrix of a GenPois series that
#   #            includes one dummy variable as a regressor. Here p depends on each
#   #            observation. See relation (67) in
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   a
#   #   m        GP MArginal parameters
#   #   AR,MA    AR, MA parameter
#   #   n        size of the matrix
#   #   M        truncation of relation (67)
#   #
#   # Notes      Since X is a dummy there are only two values of m=exp(X%*%beta),
#   #            and hence only two values of the NeG Bin probability of p, and hence
#   #            only two differenet Hermite Coeffcients I need to compute (for each k).
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   GAMMA    covariance matrix ofcount series with a dummy regressor
#   #
#   # Authors    Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey
#   # Date       March 2020
#   # Version    3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   if(!length(AR) && !length(MA)){
#     All.arma = apply(as.matrix( c(1,rep(0,n-1))), 1, function(x)x^(1:nHC))
#   }
#   # Compute ARMA autocorrelation function
#   if(!length(AR) && length(MA)){
#     All.arma = apply(as.matrix(ARMAacf(ma = MA, lag.max = n)), 1,function(x)x^(1:nHC))
#   }
#   if(!length(MA) && length(AR)){
#     All.arma = apply(as.matrix(ARMAacf(ar = AR, lag.max = n)), 1,function(x)x^(1:nHC))
#   }
#   if(length(AR) & length(MA)){
#     All.arma = apply(as.matrix(ARMAacf(ar = AR, ma=MA, lag.max = n)), 1,function(x)x^(1:nHC))
#   }
#   # Compute the link coefficients l_k = factorial(k)*g_{t1,k}*g_{t2,k}
#   linkCoef = LinkCoefGP_Reg(a,m, N, nHC, mycdf)
#   # keep track of which indices each unique HC is located at
#   index = cbind(unique(m)[1]==m, unique(m)[2]==m)
#   # STEP 3: Implement relation 67
#   k = 1:nHC
#   kfac = factorial(k)
#   G = matrix(NA,n,n)
#   for(t1 in 0:(n-1)){
#     for(t2 in 0:t1 ){
#       h = abs(t1-t2)+1
#       G[t1+1,t2+1]= sum(kfac*linkCoef[,index[t1+1,2]+index[t2+1,2]+1]*All.arma[,h])
#     }
#   }
#   G = symmetrize(G, update.upper=TRUE)
#   return(G)
# }
# #---------Covariance matrix---------#
# CovarGenPois = function(n,a,m, AR, MA, N, nHC, mycdf){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE     Compute the covariance matrix of a GenPois series.
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   a,m       Marginal parameters
#   #   AR,MA     ARMA parameters
#   #   n         size of the matrix
#   #   N         truncation for relation (21)
#   #   nHC       number of Hermitte coefficents to be computed
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   GAMMA     covariance matrix of count series
#   #
#   # Authors     Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date        July 2020
#   # Version     3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # Hermite coeficients--relation (21) in
#   HC = HermCoefGenPois(a,m,N, nHC, mycdf)
#   # ARMA autocorrelation function
#   if(!length(AR)){arma.acf <- ARMAacf(ma = MA, lag.max = n)}
#   if(!length(MA)){arma.acf <- ARMAacf(ar = AR, lag.max = n)}
#   if(length(AR) & length(MA)){arma.acf <- ARMAacf(ar = AR, ma = MA, lag.max = n)}
#   # Autocovariance of count series--relation (9) in
#   gamma_x = CountACVF(h = 0:(n-1), myacf = arma.acf, g = HC)
#   # Final toeplitz covariance matrix--relation (56) in
#   GAMMA = toeplitz(gamma_x)
#   return(GAMMA)
# }
# #---------Gaussian Likelihood function---------#
# GaussLogLikGP = function(theta, data, ARMAorder, MaxCdf, nHC){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE      Compute Gaussian log-likelihood fo Gen Pois series
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   theta      parameter vector containing the marginal and ARMA parameters
#   #   data       count series
#   #   ARMAorder  ordeer of ARMA model
#   #   MaxCdf     cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
#   #   nHC        number of HC to be computed
#   #
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   loglik     Gaussian log-likelihood
#   #
#   # Authors      Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date         July 2020
#   # Version      3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # retrieve marginal cdf
#   mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                  "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                  "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#   )
#   # retrieve parameters and sample size
#   a   = theta[1]
#   m  = theta[2]
#   nparms  = length(theta)
#   nMargParms = nparms - sum(ARMAorder)
#   if(ARMAorder[1]>0){
#     AR = theta[(nparms-ARMAorder[1]+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])  ]
#   }else{
#     AR = NULL
#   }
#   if(ARMAorder[2]>0){
#     MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : length(theta)]
#   }else{
#     MA = NULL
#   }
#   n = length(data)
#   # compute truncation of relation (21)
#   N <- which(round(pGpois(1:MaxCdf, a,m), 7) == 1)[1]
#   # if(length(N)==0 | ){
#   #   cat(sprintf("The max cdf value is %f and N=%f", max(round(pnbinom(1:MaxCdf, r,1-p), 7)),N))
#   #   stop("Haven't reached upper limit for cdf")
#   # }
#   if(length(N)==0 | ){
#     N =MaxCdf
#   }
#   #Select the mean value used to demean--sample or true?
#   MeanValue = m
#   # Compute the covariance matrix--relation (56) in
#   GAMMA = CovarGenPois(n, a,m, AR, MA, N, nHC, mycdf)
#   # Compute the logdet and the quadratic part
#   logLikComponents = EvalInvQuadForm(GAMMA, as.numeric(data), MeanValue)
#   # final loglikelihood value
#   out = 0.5*logLikComponents[1] + 0.5*logLikComponents[2]
#   # the following will match the above if you subtract N/2*log(2*pi) and don't multiply with 2
#   # out = -2*dmvnorm(as.numeric(data), rep(lam, n), GAMMA, log = TRUE)
#   return(out)
# }
# #---------Guassian Likelihood function with a dummy Regressor---------#
# GaussLogLikGP_Reg = function(theta, data, Regressor, ARMAorder, MaxCdf, nHC, CountDist){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE      Compute Gaussian log-likelihood for Gen Pois series
#   #
#   #
#   # NOTES        Here I use the following parametrization:
#   #
#   #              log(mu) = b0 + b1X_i, with
#   #              E(Y/X) = m,
#   #              The parameters that enter the likelihood are
#   #              b0, b1, k, and the AR parameters.
#   # INPUT
#   #   theta      parameter vector containing the marginal and AR parameters
#   #   data       count series
#   #   Regressor  regressors (first column is always 1--intercept)
#   #   ARMAorder  ARMA order
#   #   MaxCdf     cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
#   #   nHC        number of HC to be computed
#   #
#   # Output
#   #   loglik     Gaussian log-likelihood
#   #
#   # Authors      Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date         July 2020
#   # Version      3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # retrieve marginal cdf
#   mycdf = switch(CountDist,
#                  "Negative Binomial"   = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pnbinom (x, ConstTheta, 1-DynamTheta)},
#                  "Generalized Poisson" = function(x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta){ pGpois  (x, ConstTheta, DynamTheta)}
#   )
#   # retrieve parameters and sample size
#   nparms     = length(theta)
#   nreg       = dim(Regressor)[2]-1
#   nMargParms = nparms - sum(ARMAorder)
#   beta       = theta[1:(nparms-sum(ARMAorder)-1)]
#   a          = theta[nparms-sum(ARMAorder)]
#   n          = length(data)
#   if(ARMAorder[1]>0){
#     AR = theta[(nMargParms+1):(nMargParms + ARMAorder[1])  ]
#   }else{
#     AR = NULL
#   }
#   if(ARMAorder[2]>0){
#     MA = theta[ (nMargParms+ARMAorder[1]+1) : length(theta)]
#   }else{
#     MA = NULL
#   }
#   if(!is.null(AR) && is.null(MA)){
#     if(any(abs( polyroot(c(1, -AR))  ) < 1)){
#       return(10^6) #check me
#     }
#   }
#   if(!is.null(MA) && is.null(AR)){
#     if(any(abs( polyroot(c(1, -MA))  ) < 1)){
#       return(10^6) #check me
#     }
#   }
#   if(!is.null(MA) && !is.null(AR)){
#     if(checkPoly(AR,MA)[1]!="Causal" && check(poly)[2]!="Invertible"){
#       return(10^6) # check me--do i need inveritibility?
#     }
#   }
#   # retrieve mean
#   m = exp(Regressor%*%beta)
#   # Compute truncation of relation (21) in arxiv
#   N = sapply(unique(m),function(x)which(mycdf(1:MaxCdf,a,x)>=1-1e-7)[1])-1
#   N[] = MaxCdf
#   #Select the mean value used to demean--sample or true?
#   MeanValue = m
#   # Compute the covariance matrix--relation (56) in
#   # GAMMA = CovarNegBin(n, r, p, AR, MA, N, nHC)
#   GAMMA = CovarGenPois_Reg(n, a,m, AR,MA, N, nHC,mycdf)
#   # Compute the logdet and the quadratic part
#   logLikComponents = EvalInvQuadForm(GAMMA, as.numeric(data), MeanValue)
#   # final loglikelihood value
#   out = 0.5*logLikComponents[1] + 0.5*logLikComponents[2]
#   # the following will match the above if you subtract N/2*log(2*pi) and don't multiply with 2
#   # out = -2*dmvnorm(as.numeric(data), rep(lam, n), GAMMA, log = TRUE)
#   return(out)
# }
# #-----------Fit the gaussian likelihood----------#
# FitGaussianLikGP = function(x0, X, LB, UB, ARMAorder, MaxCdf, nHC){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE       Fit the Gaussian log-likelihood for Gen Pois series
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   x0          initial parameters
#   #   X           count series
#   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
#   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
#   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
#   #   MaxCdf      cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
#   #   nHC         number of HC to be computed
#   #
#   # OUTPUT
#   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value
#   #
#   # NOTES         I may comment out se in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
#   #
#   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date          April 2020
#   # Version       3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   optim.output <- optim(par       = x0,
#                         fn        = GaussLogLikGP,
#                         data      = X,
#                         ARMAorder = ARMAorder,
#                         MaxCdf    = MaxCdf,
#                         nHC       = nHC,
#                         method    = "L-BFGS-B",
#                         hessian   = TRUE,
#                         lower     = LB,
#                         upper     = UB
#   )
#   nparms  = length(x0)
#   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=nparms)
#   se      = matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=nparms)
#   loglik  = rep(0,1)
#   # save estimates, loglik and standard errors
#   ParmEst[,1:nparms]   = optim.output$par
#   loglik               = optim.output$value
#   #se[,1:nparms]        = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(optim.output$hessian))))
#   All      = cbind(ParmEst, se, loglik)
#   return(All)
# }
# #---------wrapper to fit Guassian Likelihood function with a dummy Regressor---------#
# FitGaussianLikGP_Reg = function(x0, X, Regressor, LB, UB, ARMAorder, MaxCdf, nHC, OptMethod, CountDist){
#   #====================================================================================#
#   # PURPOSE       Fit the Gaussian log-likelihood for NegBin series
#   #
#   # INPUT
#   #   x0          initial parameters
#   #   X           count series
#   #   LB          parameter lower bounds
#   #   UB          parameter upper bounds
#   #   ARMAorder   order of the udnerlying ARMA model
#   #   MaxCdf      cdf will be computed up to this number (for light tails cdf=1 fast)
#   #   nHC         number of HC to be computed
#   #   Model       =1 then r depends on t, p fixed, =0 p depends on t, r is fixed
#   #
#   # OUTPUT
#   #   All         parameter estimates, standard errors, likelihood value
#   #
#   # NOTES         I may comment out se in cases where maximum is achieved at the boundary
#   #
#   # Authors       Stefanos Kechagias, James Livsey, Vladas Pipiras
#   # Date          April 2020
#   # Version       3.6.3
#   #====================================================================================#
#   nparms  = length(x0)
#   n = length(X)
#   # allocate memory to save parameter estimates, hessian values, and loglik values
#   ParmEst = matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=nparms)
#   se =  matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=nparms)
#   loglik = rep(0,1)
#   convcode = rep(0,1)
#   kkt1 = rep(0,1)
#   kkt2 = rep(0,1)
#   optim.output <- optimx(par            = x0,
#                          fn             = GaussLogLikGP_Reg,
#                          data           = X,
#                          Regressor      = Regressor,
#                          ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#                          MaxCdf         = MaxCdf,
#                          CountDist      = CountDist,
#                          nHC            = nHC,
#                          lower          = LB,
#                          upper          = UB,
#                          hessian        = TRUE,
#                          method         = OptMethod)
#   # save estimates, loglik value and diagonal hessian
#   ParmEst  = as.numeric(optim.output[1:nparms])
#   loglik   = optim.output$value
#   convcode = optim.output$convcode
#   kkt1     = optim.output$kkt1
#   kkt2     = optim.output$kkt2
#   # compute hessian
#   H = gHgen(par            = ParmEst,
#             fn             = GaussLogLikGP_Reg,
#             data           = X,
#             Regressor      = Regressor,
#             ARMAorder      = ARMAorder,
#             CountDist      = CountDist,
#             MaxCdf         = MaxCdf,
#             nHC            = nHC
#   )
#   if(H$hessOK){
#     se = sqrt(abs(diag(solve(H$Hn))))
#   }else{
#     se = rep(NA, nparms)
#   }
#   # Compute model selection criteria
#   Criteria = ComputeCriteria(loglik, nparms, n)
#   # get the names of the final output
#   parmnames = colnames(optim.output)
#   mynames = c(parmnames[1:nparms],paste("se", parmnames[1:nparms], sep="_"), "loglik", "AIC", "BIC","AICc", "status", "kkt1", "kkt2")
#   All = matrix(c(ParmEst, se, loglik, Criteria, convcode, kkt1, kkt2),nrow=1)
#   colnames(All) = mynames
#   return(All)
# }
jlivsey/countsFun documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 5:15 a.m.